About the program
The Graduate Program in Biochemistry of the Ribeirão Preto Medical School of USP will complete 50 years in 2021 as a program of excellence at CAPES (grade 6). The high scientific productivity of the 21 groups that make up our program is a result of a highly qualified faculty, most of them CNPq fellows. Most of our faculty maintains collaboration with renowned researchers and institutions in Brazil and abroad, providing great exchange opportunities for our graduates. Part of this success is also due to the changes in our research laboratories into centers with cutting-edge technologies due to the continuous search of our advisors to expand and improve our equipment park, several of them operate as multi-users. We are supported by diverse sources of funding, in a rich environment of innovation in basic, translational, biotechnology, and bioenergy research. The combination of these aspects has allowed professors, students, and alumni of our program to contribute significantly to the scientific, technological, and innovation development in important areas for the country and the world.
Qualifying Exam
Rules for the Qualifying Exam of Master’s and Doctoral Degrees in Biochemistry
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